2022 Giant Steps Fatal Shore Pinot Noir Tasmania

From: $78.00

2022 Giant Steps Fatal Shore Pinot Noir Tasmania – Steve Flamsteed is at it again with another rocking vintage for his 2022 wines.

In their obsession with Single Vineyard Pinot Noirs from great Pinot growing areas around the world, they have gone as far south (and as cold) as you can go in this country. Despite the cool temperatures, the sunlight hours are long and intense and they are intrigued by the depth of palate and colour that is possible from this landscape. While it is made with the Giant Steps gentle winemaking approach, the result is clearly a world apart in terroir.

A very cool start to the season was punctuated by a few solid rain events in December that led to healthy dark green canopies. The final stage of the growing season was cooler than average which led to delayed ripening, and softer colours. Acidity across both the clones in the top Pinot blocks was naturally high. Fruit was hand sorted in both vineyard and winery.

The 2022 vintage in southern Tasmania has produced highly perfumed and textured Pinot Noir. Ready for immediate enjoyment or cellar for 10 years.

Single Price: $5.00
Any Six Bottle Buy: $78.00
Price per case (12 bottles): $936.00

Quantity discounts available